Hugo Where I Go

It had been one 'hell' of a week. (We speak figuratively, as there is no 'hell').
Julian had been told by a freind that her boy at school had stumbled upon boys 'playing' with boys in the boys toilets. He had 'told'. He was now threatened by these 'boys' with rape. They were 12.
Julian was aghast.
Another friend had just been told by her 45 year old son that he had been raped since he was 14 by the councillor that she was paying for. He only told because the men who did it had committed suicide by hanging. She was, understandably, devastated, and had a bad back.
On a lighter note, without making light, the school kid with parents who were still together thought that the other kids with split families had it better off. They got 3 bedrooms, one with mum, one with dad and one with mum's boyfriend, plus they got to enjoy 'bookclub' twice as both mum and dad let her join and buy. The kid with the parents was miffed.
Her brother brought home his reader for the week. The book that he had to read with his parents and they had to 'tick' his homework book. It was called 'Unwedding', and was about a family where the parents shouted at each other. They agreed to have an unwedding. At the unwedding they both said 'They Don't", and they all lived happily ever after.
I ask you, is this musical walk breaking down?