Sunday, November 25, 2007

Introducing Susan Pecker and Her Alter Ego

Mary Hitler was adamant. She WAS Susan Pecker and no-one was going to tell her any different. She had been admitting to being mentally unstable to Julian and that Edgar no longer found her interesting. She had asked him at 2 am and he had told her that it was because of how old she was and how long they had been married. Mary was devastated and had told Susan, who was aghast, and had gone back to Edgar in self righteous indignation. Edgar had thought that he was talking to Mary until Susan started to shout about the flecks of dust on the new couch. Susan, too, had a history of mental instability. Edgar sighed. He was finding it difficult being married to two separate people in the same body. He was never sure who he was talking to. He preferred Mary as she was the better cook, but Susan, who generally never wore underwear, was the more intelligent and the less sensitive. Mary could be very touchy.

They were planning a trip to Brisbane for the three of them, but Edgar was doing his utmost to politely get out of it. "Let me make myself perfectly clear," he said.
Meanwhile, Narky was tired of being treated and spoken to like an idiot.
"Don't speak to me like I'm an idiot," he said.
Julian looked to Mary. "Mary, would you mind speaking like an idiot to Narky, please."
"Let that idiot talk to that idiot," Mary said, indicating Edgar could talk to Narky. The girls were in fine form, and didn't for a minute believe that they were married to idiots. These girls were too smart for that, even Susan.

They retired to the verandah where they all nibbled on fresh figs wrapped in prosciutto, jarlsberg cheese with sourdough bread and various dips. They sipped a not terribly good Peter Lehman chilled white wine and enjoyed the afternoon.

The Woes, Hitlers and Peckers wanted to get home to plug their new 32" television in and watch the Federal election. It was odds on Rudd, with Howard bowing graciously out. He had ruled for 11 years and had left Australia stronger and more financially secure than when he had come to power. Rudd intended to put money into education, medicine and the environment. He was very happy and excited.

John would continue jogging every morning, but now without an entourage and no longer being chased by the chasers. Life would go, despite it not being meant to be easy.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Garage Floors Are Us

Mac had been operating a reputable business out of the East end of Bellingen for some years now. His boy had a good job and a beautiful family, living in an exclusive part of Sydney, his marriage was a good one, as marriages go, and his home was comfortable. All he needed was a good rubber stamp and some business cards. His mate put him onto an online business called garage floors.
He forgot about the business cards and remembered the time that his reputable jewellery business had once been a garage. A dirty, oily and filthy concrete floored garage with a pit for going under cars. Now it was tiled for the customers, mopped once a fortnight and the car lived outside on the gravel.

"And Life Goes On. And Life Goes On. And Life Goes On and On and On and On and On..........................& life goes on.

Introducing Narky Pantaloons, Caper Berry and the Whizz.

Narky was a man hard to pin down. He could turn left in life at any moment, without so much as a by your leave. Leaving friends and loved ones in his wake. There was never a dull moment with this man who was so thin that his ribs showed through his skin. His was a metabolism that fat women would kill for. Nark, on the other hand, found it inconvenient. He had only to be a couple of hours after lunch without eating and already he had to pull his belt in another notch. He wasn't going to last long if life got lean, which, the bible assured us, was going to happen, and going to happen soon. He knew that, and had taken it on the chin. He didn't like to feel too full after a meal, and that was the philosophy that he lived by. As a young man, he realised that he could eat without affecting his body shape, and so he would eat to impress.
"Look at him eat", the middle aged women would say proudly, as he slowly ate his way through the buffet tables of the 60's, with Beef Bourguignonne and little delicious egg tartlets. He would eat until his belly was as stretched as Cool Hand Luke's after the boiled egg contest, which Luke had won. Luke had lain on the contest table after everyone had left, with a grin on his face and a belly like a hard boiled egg. He was as uncomfortable as all hell, as was Nark. Nark's position of waiting was on a sofa, belly down, groaning, his legs and neck over the sofa's arms, to give his belly room to be stretched. He did this for many of his teenage years.
Women and motor bikes followed fast, not in that order. His bikes were given pride of place in rented Melbourne lounge rooms and the women, whilst not a huge number, were nevertheless completely enamoured with him. More often than not, it was their rented Melbourne lounge rooms. He spent money on personalised leathers so that he could race with aplomb. He was fearless, looking pain and injury full in the face. Death, on the other hand, he wasn't so keen on experiencing at these tender years, and so, when lying on the hard ground of the race track, as his fellow riders raced past, he would pray.
"I won't do it again," he would promise, as he asked to be got out of that particular predicament, be it an ankle bone crushed by the bike pedal, or completely skinned elbows, knees and chin from shooting along the ground at the same speed as the bike, but without the bike. He had explained the technique to Julian. Apparently, you shot along the ground on your back, but you would move slightly to the left and slightly to the right, and slightly to the left again, and so on and so forth, until you started to slow. To impress, you would gauge the speed so that you would be able to come to a standing stop. This was tricky, but was the aim.
Nark had to give it up due to the pain, injuries, his mother and women.
He moved to the Australian bush and started a new life. He left behind a father and a mother and a brother, women and a jewellery business in Melbourne.
New beginnings.