Ulrich Chevalier Hits The Scene
Ulrich arrived by plane carrying his briefcase which he intended to leave at his mothers house whilst he traveled the Australian continent. He had minimized his belongings from eight boxes to two, and was preparing to halve that. He had plans, a girlfriend and a bucket load of guilt, will travel. He was tall and lean, like a whippet, and refused to eat much. He liked acting and tennis and reading fantasy novels that took him out of the real, hard, difficult world. Larry thought he looked like his father, but Ulrich was taller and leaner with more artistic looking hands. His attitude and demeanor was cynical, and slightly superior. He moved through life in a glum and dark fashion, wanting to believe that he could do the things that he did that went against his conscience. He was witty and funny when around the people who knew and loved him, and nervous and clumsy when around those that judged him and criticized him. He was a very loving person who was desperate for the love of a good woman, as many men are. He seemed to attract spoiled girls from well off families who were able to devote their times to the arts and music, and the ability to think well of themselves, thanks to the hard work of their mothers and fathers who had stayed together for the sake of the children. In these last days that were critical and hard to deal with, that was no mean feat.
Julian Fairfax Mayhem had given birth to Ulrich in small and mean circumstances. She had been determined to give birth at the small and mean hovel that they lived in, in the small and mean country town. But there were difficulties. The difficulties had been with the birth of the twins pre Ulrich, and that had decided Julian to leave it all to the last minute, but to go to the country town hospital. The pains came thick and fast until finally, as she gasped and panted and discovered the neighboorhood kids looking round the bedroom door, she felt it was time. She wore Caro's over-sized purple t-shirt, and squatted on a towel as soon as she was shown her bed. The nurse had been slow and casual up to this point, but realised that entry into this world was imminent. Julian was ushered ignominiously into the tiled room with not much in it of comfort.
Ulrich was born with a broken collar bone not much later. He was a contented baby, whose bones knitted quickly, and was much loved by the family. His mum took pics of his neck as he was bathed in the small, green, plastic basin, lovingly. His start was good.
Julian Fairfax Mayhem had given birth to Ulrich in small and mean circumstances. She had been determined to give birth at the small and mean hovel that they lived in, in the small and mean country town. But there were difficulties. The difficulties had been with the birth of the twins pre Ulrich, and that had decided Julian to leave it all to the last minute, but to go to the country town hospital. The pains came thick and fast until finally, as she gasped and panted and discovered the neighboorhood kids looking round the bedroom door, she felt it was time. She wore Caro's over-sized purple t-shirt, and squatted on a towel as soon as she was shown her bed. The nurse had been slow and casual up to this point, but realised that entry into this world was imminent. Julian was ushered ignominiously into the tiled room with not much in it of comfort.
Ulrich was born with a broken collar bone not much later. He was a contented baby, whose bones knitted quickly, and was much loved by the family. His mum took pics of his neck as he was bathed in the small, green, plastic basin, lovingly. His start was good.
Long live Ulrich
Lady Julian, were you really expecting comfort in a labour ward?
my visions for birth were of a birthing chair, soft lights, calming music and warm furnishings. Bright lights and white tiles and hard, flat pillows seemed a little harsh.Hard mattresses and on your back painful births with little care or concerns from the people around seemed harsh. Why should Julians experience be any different?
Mary Hitler can speak for herself, you imposter!
Mary Hitler gave birth without bright lights, white tiles, a pillow - or even a doctor for that matter. Birth plan? Birthing stool? Ha! Mary wasn't mucking around. And she took less than an hour to accomplish her task.
Save your hard luck birth stories. Mary knew what the true pioneer women knew - just shut up and get on with it. But for heaven's sake - remove the stilettos for the hour - you'll get blood on them and they'll be ruined.
Sometimes standards just have to be put aside for a moment.
All that whilst not spilling one drop from a full glass of Yellowglen!!
Che, you lose your dignity, not your priorities.
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