Ne Me Quitte Pas

Belgium this week commemorates the 30th anniversary of the death of one of its few famous sons, but a new documentary exposes Jacques Brel's love-hate relationship with what he called "le plat pays" (the flat country). Brel could move audiences to tears with his heart-rending ode to the low skies and melancholy beauty of the Belgian landscape, while being booed off stage for his savage caricatures of Belgians in his lyrics.
Newly-released archive interviews for the film J'aime les Belges portray a man both obsessed by exposing the small-mindedness and the "nothingness" of his compatriots while also embracing their "madness". Born in French-speaking Brussels but raised by Flemish-speaking parents, Brel never fully felt at home in either language group – a sentiment increasingly echoed by many modern Belgians.
"We have been conquered by everyone, we speak neither pure French nor Dutch, we are nothing," Brel said in an interview in the 1970s.
"He went from hero to outcast for a while after he released 'Les Flamandes'," says France Brel, his daughter and the director of the documentary, referring to a song that depicts Flemish women as immodest, coarse and full-figured.

Ne me quitte pas Don't leave me
Il faut oublier it 's neccesary to forget
Tout peut s'oublier everything you need to forget
Qui s'enfuit deja which is already over
Oublier le temps forget the times
Des malentendus of the misunderstandings
Et le temps perdu the lost time
A savoir comment to know how
Oublier ces heures forget the houres
Qui tuaient parfois which sometimes kill
A coups de pourquoi the reasons why
Le coeur du bonheur the heart full of joy
Ne me quitte pas Don't leave me
Ne me quitte pas Don't leave me
Ne me quitte pas Don't leave me
Ne me quitte pas Don't leave me
Moi je t'offrirai I offer you
Des perles de pluie pearls of rain
Venues de pays coming from countries
Ou il ne pleut pas where it never rains
Je creus'rai la terre I will cross the world
Jusqu' apres ma mort until after my death
Pour couvrir ton corps for to cover your body
D'or et de lumiere; with gold and bright light
Je f'rai un domaine I will give you a kingdom
Ou l'amour s 'ra roi where LOVE will be king
Ou l'amour s' ra loi Where LOVE will be the law
ou tu serais reine and where you will be queen
Ne me quitte pas Don't leave me
Ne me quitte pas Don't leave me
Ne me quitte pas Don't leave me
Ne me quitte pas Don't leave me
Ne me quitte pas Don't leave me
Ne me quitte pas Don't leave me
Twould be nice to find this film. A cursory search of the usual suspect places turns up nothing... And then there would be the problem of subtitles, too.
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