Nest of Assassins
"He who has never hoped has never despaired," said Caesar.
Christopher plummer was playing a rather fine Caeser in some sort of televised Shakespearean stage production of Caesar and Cleopatra on the ABC. His aquiline nose was emphasised and the audience laughed aloud quite often at some of the lines.
It had been a rather fine day over all, full of hope and joy. Everyone needed to know how to keep focused on being joyful rather than despondent, and these were the tools. Not all of Julian's freinds believed that bible reading could do it, but it was all dependent on the certainty of the bible's author. Was it simply Paul we were listening to? Or had he really been inspired by the creator of the universe? He gave great hope.
William had been duly shampooed, and Julian hoped that it wasn't the conditioner and that it was the shampoo. She had bought 2 bottles on the internet from a girl who subsequently lost her little boy in death and went out of business due to despair. Julian emailed some hopeful scriptures about the time when people would be brought back from death to life, Jesus had spoken about it in the book of John, and the Greek work, anastasis, had the meanining of standing up again. So, the 2 bottles had not been labelled, and she wasn't sure which was shampoo and which was conditioner and why she had even bothered buying the conditioner she wasn't sure. She wasn't great on slathering creams on horses, but this boy was in trouble. The Queensland Itch was all over his face, heading down his neck and causing great nasty's on his legs. He had sores. He would cross one leg over the other and rub up and down. Poor darling. So Julian had been asking experts what to do and now had advice to follow.
He also had a condition known as anhidrosis. He couldn't sweat, which meant that in this extraordinarily hot weather, he would puff and blow in discomfort. Vets were on the cards and Jim had scoured the internet and come up with a product. Patches on the skin, which were said to reverse the condition. He had been sold as a very quiet thoroughbred and now Julian knew why. Little darling didn't have the energy.
Mudbilly was living in the backyard for a short time. She was heading over to Perth to be with Hermione.
Hermione's last conversation regarding the blog had been vehement. They were staying with the Colonel's wife, and amidst much merriment, Hermione had declared that she no longer wanted to be Hermione, but insisted on being Elsie. She had also told Julian that she had better go to the toilet everytime the car stopped, because she wouldn't be stopping for Julian. Julian stayed silent. She was waiting to understand, but had only been told that she mocked people.
"You are mocking me, Julian," Hermione had said in the car on the Nullabor.
Julian didn't say anything, but later at the Colonel's house in Canberra, she had told her that nothing could have been further from the truth. Julian had nothing but admiration for Hermione.
Why else would she figure so prominently in the story?
Meanwhile, Hermione left a message on Mary's post calling herself Hermione, and acknowledging Mary as Mary and Edgar as Edgar and it was all a bit much really. Julian felt cross.
Hermione had written:
"A mutual friend foned frantically requesting interpretation of this blog, and I was only able to provide partial translation, so I am intrigued as well. Methinks I must phone, however I have used all my credit up until the 16th. Will phone u then Mary. But I do have heaps of Internet credit so can happily play with ur blogspot. I am quite hurt there was no mention of missing Hermione, only Julian who was returning within 30 days, sigh. It's alright I know I am too normal, just like every other associate, but I do miss your family so would love to send a big kiss and hug to Tuesday, Theadora, Edgar and Mary. Glad to see you are still familius intactus. Despite the eternal wrestling with evil spirits and witches covens and I wish I knew who osama bin laden is!!"
How Dare She. Mary and Hermione wanted it both ways.
"It isn't fiction, Julian," said Mary, and refused to discuss it further. Julian wanted to politely point out that at the beginning of her blog she had a statedment. It went like this.
Christopher plummer was playing a rather fine Caeser in some sort of televised Shakespearean stage production of Caesar and Cleopatra on the ABC. His aquiline nose was emphasised and the audience laughed aloud quite often at some of the lines.
It had been a rather fine day over all, full of hope and joy. Everyone needed to know how to keep focused on being joyful rather than despondent, and these were the tools. Not all of Julian's freinds believed that bible reading could do it, but it was all dependent on the certainty of the bible's author. Was it simply Paul we were listening to? Or had he really been inspired by the creator of the universe? He gave great hope.
William had been duly shampooed, and Julian hoped that it wasn't the conditioner and that it was the shampoo. She had bought 2 bottles on the internet from a girl who subsequently lost her little boy in death and went out of business due to despair. Julian emailed some hopeful scriptures about the time when people would be brought back from death to life, Jesus had spoken about it in the book of John, and the Greek work, anastasis, had the meanining of standing up again. So, the 2 bottles had not been labelled, and she wasn't sure which was shampoo and which was conditioner and why she had even bothered buying the conditioner she wasn't sure. She wasn't great on slathering creams on horses, but this boy was in trouble. The Queensland Itch was all over his face, heading down his neck and causing great nasty's on his legs. He had sores. He would cross one leg over the other and rub up and down. Poor darling. So Julian had been asking experts what to do and now had advice to follow.
He also had a condition known as anhidrosis. He couldn't sweat, which meant that in this extraordinarily hot weather, he would puff and blow in discomfort. Vets were on the cards and Jim had scoured the internet and come up with a product. Patches on the skin, which were said to reverse the condition. He had been sold as a very quiet thoroughbred and now Julian knew why. Little darling didn't have the energy.
Mudbilly was living in the backyard for a short time. She was heading over to Perth to be with Hermione.
Hermione's last conversation regarding the blog had been vehement. They were staying with the Colonel's wife, and amidst much merriment, Hermione had declared that she no longer wanted to be Hermione, but insisted on being Elsie. She had also told Julian that she had better go to the toilet everytime the car stopped, because she wouldn't be stopping for Julian. Julian stayed silent. She was waiting to understand, but had only been told that she mocked people.
"You are mocking me, Julian," Hermione had said in the car on the Nullabor.
Julian didn't say anything, but later at the Colonel's house in Canberra, she had told her that nothing could have been further from the truth. Julian had nothing but admiration for Hermione.
Why else would she figure so prominently in the story?
Meanwhile, Hermione left a message on Mary's post calling herself Hermione, and acknowledging Mary as Mary and Edgar as Edgar and it was all a bit much really. Julian felt cross.
Hermione had written:
"A mutual friend foned frantically requesting interpretation of this blog, and I was only able to provide partial translation, so I am intrigued as well. Methinks I must phone, however I have used all my credit up until the 16th. Will phone u then Mary. But I do have heaps of Internet credit so can happily play with ur blogspot. I am quite hurt there was no mention of missing Hermione, only Julian who was returning within 30 days, sigh. It's alright I know I am too normal, just like every other associate, but I do miss your family so would love to send a big kiss and hug to Tuesday, Theadora, Edgar and Mary. Glad to see you are still familius intactus. Despite the eternal wrestling with evil spirits and witches covens and I wish I knew who osama bin laden is!!"
How Dare She. Mary and Hermione wanted it both ways.
"It isn't fiction, Julian," said Mary, and refused to discuss it further. Julian wanted to politely point out that at the beginning of her blog she had a statedment. It went like this.
hermione exists on your blog and mary's blog, When in Rome, or should I say when in someone else's blog... Hermione wanted to be known as something or someone else on her OWN actual handwritten brand new blog. She knew that she was forever Hermione on the other blogs, there was no fixing that, but what harm in a new identity for a new blog?
Elsie/hermione was puzzled that Julian believed that she had lost her friend. She thought friendships survived hiccups.all her other ones had.(perhaps they had not and she was labouring under a misapprehension that those she thought of as friends were in fact not at all, but just pretending) Ah that might be one of the truths she so needed to hear. Bring on the truths. She(this convention of writing in the third person when its really the first person is quite awkward, but therein lies the whole crux of this matter of fiction/ fact/ allegation/ gossip/blogging etc) believes that she restrains herself from inviting the so-called truths as it likely will lead to unnecessary confrontation and possible recrimminations.She is perhaps mistakenly under the impression that it is Julian who finds hearing someone else's opinion not so pleasant which is why she prefers to just let bygones be bygones. Julian probes and probes like on a serpents hole, then does not like what pops out, and is sometimes surprised and horrified at the result.But Elsie/Hermione/I could well have it all wrong, I often do. Thank you for looking after my dear daughter, and me!
ps. explanations are clearly required. I am quite happy to use my own real name, and any one else's should they so desire.However the reason I use all the pseudonyms that you girls have created is for convenience and I figure it could all be incredibly disastrous if I started calling you all by your real names.You can use my name, except you insist that Hermione is a fictional character. I do not believe that. As 'Mary' said: "Its not fiction." just adding the occasional fictitious adendum does not make it so. Everyone knows who they are, which is why I got asked to translate!
She doesn't want to understand.
She doesn't want to understand.
There is comfort in truth, and the truth is comforting....
A fair weather friend is no friend at all, but a serpent waiting to strike.
It has been said that the truth hurts... but does it really?
Ghost writers never existed
who does everyone think that emily bronte was writing about please. who was Heathcliffe. who was kathy. please. who was dickens on about. did shakespeare make richard the 3 up? come on girlies stretch stretch and applaud being part of the new art. you guys are fantastic protagonists. couldn't think of anyone better. now. to complain about being the heroine of the story is really really silly!
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